
Interactive Robotic Play Center


AI & Computer Vision Enginner

  • Developed and optimized real-time child re-identification systems, enhancing parental monitoring and user data accuracy across 24 HD cameras.
  • Conducted data collection and annotation, capturing diverse scenarios of children at play for enhanced ReID accuracy.
  • Implemented pose estimation and multi-object tracking for an augmented rock climbing wall, integrating AI with Unity
  • Designed and deployed real-time painting detection and segmentation systems, bringing children’s artwork to life using image processing technologies.
  • Used: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Re-identification, Object Detection, Pose Estimation, Multi-Object Tracking (MOT), Augmented Reality (AR)
Company Description

Robokids is an Interactive Robotic Play Center, the first and only AI-powered indoor play center in Iran with three branches. It offers interactive, robotic, and modular games designed for children aged 2 to 14 years with more than 60,000 unique users.

Highlighted Projects
  1. Child Re-identification
  2. Augmented Rock Climbing Wall
  3. Interactive Painting
  4. Online Personalized Storybook
  5. Human-Robot Eye Contact in Sami Robot
  6. Interactive Floor